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fiber bearing中文是什么意思

用"fiber bearing"造句"fiber bearing"怎么读"fiber bearing" in a sentence


  • 塑料轴承


  • Studies on preparation and adsorption properties of chelating fiber bearing triazolthion functional group
  • The adsorption of polymer chains at the sio2 surface avoided the coherence between the nascent hollow fibers , improved spinning conditions and hollow fiber bearing . the addition of ca further improved mechanical property of membrane , but pressure - resiposivity became weak . by controlling polymer and sio2
    通过对sio _ 2填充pu溶液纺丝成形研究发现,因sio _ 2对pu纺丝液相分离条件的改变及对pu大分子的吸附,有效防止了pu初生纤维的粘结,提高了pu纺丝溶液的可纺性,改善了pu中空纤维膜的支撑性。
用"fiber bearing"造句  
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